@BSADigitalSoc’s mini festival of new books in digital sociology

Oct 26, 2020

The BSA’s Digital Sociology Study Group is hosting a series of discussions with leading authors in digital sociology. These are free and open to everyone. Authors will give a summary of their book’s insights followed by a conversation with one of our team about their work, concluding with questions from the audience.

The series begins on the 11th of November 2020 from19.00–20.00 GMT with Mark Carrigan talking to Neil Selwyn about his synthesis of digital sociology and the sociology of education.

On Tuesday the 24th of November from 13.00–14.00 GMT Sheena MacRae will be in conversation with Elinor Carmi about her book Media Distortions, which even comes with its own playlist.

Katrin Tiidenberg & Emily van der Nagel will discuss their new book
Sex and Social Media with Harry Dyer from 9.00–10.00 GMT on the 3rd of December 2020.

On each occasion, join us if you can here on Jitsi.

